This Will Change Your Life
- The Finest Fresh Ingredients - Exclusive Malts, Hops and Water
- Suitable for Newbies and Experienced Brewers
- 25 Proven Recipes – pick your Beer Style
- 5 Premium Wort Bases - mix Your Recipe using our Recipe Formulator
- Compatible with any Home Brew Gear
- Ready-to-use - out of the box and straight to your Fermenter
- Time saving - no need for: Kettles, Mash Tuns; Malt-Mills or Wort Chiller cleaning
- Unmatched consistency - Better Beer!
Work smarter, not harder, and reclaim your weekend
What is High Gravity Wort
Our Wort is produced in the traditional way, starting with a mash using our exclusive selection of fine crushed malts. Sweet wort is extracted and boiled with selected hops to achieve the perfect balance of bitterness and aroma. At this point our wort, like all wort, comprises about 12% complex malt sugars suspended in pure water. We then use vacuum evaporation at low temperature to gently remove significant quantities of the remaining water to concentrate the sugars and flavours while retaining freshness. The fresh wort now has a higher specific gravity and hence the name, High Gravity Wort. To return our fresh HG wort to the right concentration for fermentation, you just add water and yeast according to our, or your, recipe.